With the discovery of one of the world’s largest lithium deposits in Northern Nevada, there has been a significant push to onshore lithium production. To reduce dependence on foreign countries for critical materials and support the domestic economy, many U.S.-based organizations within the lithium industry are joining to help “close the lithium loop.” The Nevada Battery Coalition was formed to create a unified voice to advocate for funding and development of the lithium industry in Nevada. Made up of members from every stage of the lithium supply chain, these companies bring crucial expertise and unique perspectives that, when combined, can bring awareness and support to this burgeoning industry.
Forming the Nevada Battery Coalition

Hidden below Nevada’s arid desert landscape, dotted with sagebrush and pines, are rich deposits of minerals, precious metals, and gemstones. For centuries, American Indians were drawn to the beauty and functionality of the obsidian, opalite, jasper, turquoise, quartz, agate, and chalcedony found within the state. Nevada mining continued to ramp up into the 19th century when it hit its peak when the Comstock Lode was discovered in June of 1859. Mining boomtowns cropped around this rich deposit of silver, with nearly $36 million in silver ore being extracted annually during its climax.
When Nevada was officially admitted to the union in October of 1864, it earned the “Silver State” title as an ode to its rich mining history. Today, mining remains a vital part of Nevada’s economy and plays a significant role in the state’s future. The recent discovery of a massive lithium deposit along the state’s northern border has prompted a new movement within Nevada’s mining industry. As lithium batteries power everything from cell phones to electric vehicles, this rich deposit has the potential to revolutionize the lithium supply chain.

Nevada is currently poised to become the lithium battery capital of North America. With companies along every stage of the lithium supply chain springing up around the state, the future is wrought with possibility. Desiring to join together to gain state and federal government support, build infrastructure, and give a voice to various stakeholders within the industry, the Nevada Battery Coalition (NBC) was founded. Together, the 20 companies that make up the NBC have combined their efforts to pursue the potential of the environmental, economic, and national security advantages that can come from closing the lithium loop in Nevada.
Empowering Collaboration in Nevada’s Lithium Industry
During the Nevada Clean Energy and Transportation Conference in Reno, Nevada, many industry-leading companies gathered to announce the formation of the NBC on February 2, 2023. Following discussions between the organizing members regarding the organization’s purpose, legal structure, and governance, the NBC was incorporated in March of 2023. The NBC came about through conversations within the lithium industry with companies that saw the opportunity to collaborate for workforce development and industry promotion.

Over the last year, the members of the NBC have been hard at work engaging in conversations with government officials and working to open doors for developing essential infrastructure to close the lithium loop in Nevada. By “closing the lithium loop,” the NBC is dedicated to bringing every piece of the lithium battery supply chain into the state, from exploration to recycling. This process of onshoring lithium production will bring critical economic, environmental, and national security advantages. While there is already a national push to bring lithium production into the US, the NBC is striving to convince key stakeholders and government officials that Nevada is the best place for that.
As the NBC works to inform the public and private sector as they strengthen and unite the lithium industry, they partake in three main activities. Primarily, the NBC exists to “inform the public and decision-makers on the current successes and future opportunity of the lithium battery industry in Nevada.” Then, they work to open doors and advance opportunities within the industry by presenting a unified voice to government officials. Finally, the NBC identifies gaps and develops solutions for workforce and economic development necessary to support the growth of the lithium industry in Nevada.
Nevada’s Role in the Lithium Supply Chain
Nevada’s rich mining history has paved the way for the flourishing lithium industry within the state. “Geologists have discovered a massive lithium deposit within the McDermitt Caldera along the Nevada-Oregon border, potentially revolutionizing the global lithium supply chain. The deposit is estimated to contain 20 to 40 million metric tonnes of lithium, with unprecedented quality that surpasses any previous find. This discovery could reduce America’s reliance on China, which currently dominates the lithium supply.”

As the lithium capital of North America, northern Nevada is brimming with potential and positioned to lead the lithium battery supply chain. From exploration to recycling, every energy storage stage is present and developing in the state. Members of the NBC stand firm in the fact that Nevada is arguably the best place for onshore lithium battery production. With businesses across the state working hard to further their part of the supply chain, many of which are already national industry leaders, and the availability of mineral resources greater than any other state, Nevada has tremendous amounts of untapped potential.
Although the potential for the lithium industry may be obvious, the lack of infrastructure is a crucial sticking point. To fully onshore lithium production, this infrastructure must be built and functional beforehand to support various parts of the supply chain. Through the work of the NBC, members are petitioning state and federal government officials to receive the support necessary to start building this infrastructure.
In an episode of the Li-MITLESS ENERGY Podcast, President and Vice President of Arc Dome Strategies Caleb Cage and Jackie Pierrott discussed what brought about the formation of the NBC, why the state of Nevada is playing a pivotal role, and what the NBC is doing to help close the lithium loop in Nevada. Cage noted that Nevada is the only state with companies representing all seven stages of the lithium supply chain and possesses the country’s only active lithium mining operation. “We think Nevada has an incredible opportunity to lead in this space, and our economic development partners agree with us there.”
The Members of the Nevada Battery Coalition
Arc Dome Strategies has been contracted as the Executive Director of the Nevada Battery Coalition. Specializing in government affairs, strategic planning, and partner development, Arc Dome Strategies coordinates round table meetings, meets with government officials, and plans behind the scenes to ensure that all members are aligned with the mission of the NBC.
Each member is pivotal in bringing their expertise and vision for the future to round-table meetings with other members and government officials. Joining forces to achieve the mission of the NBC are 20 different companies that represent various pieces of the lithium supply chain in the state of Nevada.

Battery Manufacturing
The Nevada Battery Coalition’s Mission to Close Nevada’s Lithium Loop

The Nevada Battery Coalition was founded to “strengthen Nevada’s position as a leading battery center in North America.” By joining forces, each member of the NBC helps inform the public and private sectors about the lithium supply chain’s economic, environmental, and national security issues. While national interest is in onshoring the lithium supply chain due to our market competition with China, the NBC’s job is to help convince government officials and other stakeholders that Nevada is the best place to do it.
Looking towards the future of lithium production in Nevada, the NBC hopes to create regional partnerships with neighboring states and drive support for American innovation. In collaboration with Nevada universities and colleges, the NBC has been working with Nevada Works to coordinate workforce development for the lithium industry.
Current projections from the NBC suggest that lithium extraction will run between 2026 and 2027. By 2030, the NBC wants to grow into a larger industry organization with a more significant role in Nevada’s economy. Overall, they hope their efforts will help people understand the importance of the lithium supply chain, which will benefit from advocacy, company recruiting, and workforce training in higher education.
In March 2024, the development of the lithium supply chain in Nevada made a giant leap forward with an announcement that the U.S. Department of U.S. Energy plans to lend Lithium Americas up to $2.26 billion to build Nevada’s Thacker Pass lithium project. As one of Washington’s most significant investments in the mining industry to date, this will play a critical role in helping to close the lithium loop and onshore lithium production. The NBC will continue to advocate for further infrastructure development and government funding.