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Please provide the following information based the operations of a single truck in your fleet. We will use these values to show potential fuel costs and emissions savings.
Find the current U.S. price of Diesel Fuel here.
Distance Driven is the total distance traveled by a single truck in miles in a year.Avg/Year for Long-Haul Trucks=100,000 miles
Ownership Length is the estimated length a single truck is operated.
Driving Fuel Efficiency is the number of miles the truck can travel per gallon of fuel.
Operating Days are the number of days a truck is operated per year.
Number of Trucks is the total number of trucks you have in your fleet.
Please select all that apply.
This Trucking Fuel Cost and Emissions Calculator will compare the savings of an All-Electric APU to all solutions you select below.
The tables provided below are based on your selections in the previous step.
Auto Start/Stop
Truck Idling Efficiency is how many gallons of fuel a truck consumes per hour while idling
Truck Idle Percentage is the percentage of time a truck’s engine idles while using Auto Start/Stop.
Electric (AGM) APU
Diesel APU
Diesel APU Idling Efficiency is how many gallons of fuel a Diesel APU uses per hour while idling.
Diesel APU Annual Usage Time is the hours a Diesel APU is used annually.Avg/Year for Long-Haul Trucks=1,800 hours
Based on the information you provided, these are the fuel cost and emissions values and savings we’ve calculated. Here we compare your current trucking power system and operations fuel cost and emissions to the Battle Born All-Electric APU.
Per Truck
Annual Emissions per Truck
Lifetime Emissions per Truck
Increase In Emissions
vs. Battle Born All-Electric APU
Emissions Savings
Annual Emissions Per Fleet
Lifetime Emissions Per Fleet
Annual Fuel Costs per Truck
Lifetime Fuel Costs per Truck
Increase In Fuel Costs
Fuel Costs Savings
Annual Fuel Costs Per Fleet
Lifetime Fuel Costs Per Fleet
MPG per Truck
Increase In Fuel
Fuel Savings
Remember, savings go far beyond just fuel costs and emissions. You’ll also find savings on replacements, maintenance, lead acid battery disposal, and other costs by utilizing a state-of-the-art ithium iron phosphate (LFP) Battle Born All-Electric APU for your medium or heavy duty trucking fleet.
The Battle Born All-Electric APU is the ideal solution for owner-operators and fleets looking to upgrade their power systems.
Contact Us to Learn How We Can Help Upgrade Your Truck or Fleet to Lithium Today.
[email protected]
Disclaimer: This Trucking Fuel Cost & Emissions Calculator is designed to be a tool to help you project estimated fuel costs and emissions savings by utilizing a Battle Born All-Electric APU.
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